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Between the partners – FOMO_ (Poland), Kablys (Lithuania), and Gare (Portugal), hybrid music events and electronic music education activities are being organised to connect European venues in diverse locations.

The project’s primary activities include music events, recordings & streamings, electronic music education activities and seminars. You can follow the project’s events calendar, take part in various engaging activities and enjoy recordings via IMMERSIONS’ social media channels.

Upcoming Events

PRODUCTIONS – thirteen actions of DJ sets & live performance recordings by 52 artists at a mobile studio travelling to Poland, Lithuania, and Portugal.

EDUCATIONS – eight hybrid electronic music workshops bridging venues across the continent.

CONNECTIONS – eleven hybrid electronic music events live-streamed from one of the partnering venues to the whole network across Europe.

DIMENSIONS – four electronic music industry seminars, open to the public in Poland, Portugal, and Lithuania.

ACTIONS – four hybrid electronic music events, live-streamed to the partnering music venues across Europe from the mobile studio.